2 kind
1. bonus : free gift, additional product, free trial, free upgrade, bundling,
2. rebate or discount
2 kind
1. bonus : free gift, additional product, free trial, free upgrade, bundling,
2. rebate or discount
well, I didnt notice. Since October 2013, or maybe before. BCA (Bank Central Asia) had increased its monthly administration fee. My Tahapan Silver aka Regular Saving Account was charged 13.000, previously 12.000. It’s billed around date 15-20 every month.
and the 12.000 monthly administration fee itself has been prevailed since August 2012
January 2016 : it increased again become 15.000 IDR / month for Tahapan Silver
Buku ini cocok dijadikan tugas pada mata kuliah Pengantar Teknik Elektro , Technopreneurship , mahasiswa Freshman atau Senior year
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